YouMap is Nominated for the webby awards.

Published :
12 Apr, 2022 2:37 AM
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Voting Ends :
Apr 21, 2022
Voting Allowed :
One Time Only
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1. Sign up with your email and password at 2. Vote for YouMap. 3. Thanks so much we ♥️ you and the entire community for your help.


Youmap is a company who cares. We were recently covering events on the Polish border, and created a shot documentry about the refugee crisis. At it's core we are a company with a mission of gamifying pro-social communities, and mapping current events in real-time. We believe by sharing the right information, our communities will be safer, and more connected. Let's light up a dark world, together.

Please give us a vote for the webby awards ! Thanks so much.

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