Win a Chopper from Paul Sr.

Published :
29 Mar, 2022 9:35 PM
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Voting Ends :
Apr 13, 2022
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Voting Instructions :
They allow one vote per day for the next 16 days, but you have to vote through Facebook. Not fond of that, but if you're uncomfortable with that, no worries, I totally understand and thank you for taking the time to look at my post.

Jason Amburgey

I am a third grade teacher in a low income school. I've had lots of jobs, I was a truck driver for a local housing manufacturer until the 2009 housing market crash. Then I needed to look for a job that wouldn't go under. I coached soccer for years and someone mentioned I should be a teacher since I was good with kids, so at 36, I decided to go back to school to become a teacher. This is by far the most stressful job I have ever had. After getting a teaching job I struggled to make ends meet since teaching doesn't pay very well, let alone just starting out. I recently starting making enough to move out from my parents house again lol, and now would just like a toy for me to ride around on. I'll never be able to afford an Orange County Chopper from Paul Senior, but I do appreciate the opportunity he is giving everyone to win a bike. Thanks for checking out my little post and good luck on your contest.

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