Vote for Duke Keats IOW Festival 23

Published :
18 Mar, 2023 5:18 PM
Voting For :
Duke Keats
Voting Ends :
Apr 23, 2023
Voting Allowed :
One Time Only
Voting Instructions :
Click the vote button on the HotVox website - you will need to be connected to Facebook - thank you!

Connor Blundell

Born and raised in Coventry, UK - 26 year old Duke Keats influences range Prince, Pink Floyd and Jimi Hendrix,Toro Y Moi, Unknown Mortal Orchestra and Sonic Youth.
Duke has supported acts such as Her's, Penelope Isles, Kansas Smitty's, FEET, Ynes & and Marker Starling and alongside Laetitia Sadier of Stereolab on the track 'Waiting For Grace'. Dukes latest show was with Japanese folk artist Ichiko Aoba, Sofar Sounds at Coventry Cathedral and renovated Princes trust building Draper's Hall with Jazz collective Kansas Smitty'.
Duke also created the score for the UK fashion brand Charles Jeffrey LOVERBOY AW21 collection film 'GLOOM' Directed by Fashion Photographer Thurstan Redding.

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