Mr Health and Fitness

Published :
26 Apr, 2023 9:32 PM
Voting For :
Jonathan Klassen
Voting Ends :
Jul 6, 2023
Voting Allowed :
Voting Instructions :
Voting begins May 1st at 10AM PDT and can be done so at the URL below: Voters can vote by doing the following: (a) all Voters will earn one (1) free vote every twenty-four (24) hours, which they can cast for their favorite Competitor, after Operator verifies Voter eligibility (whether via Facebook, SMS verification, payment method verification, or other process); and/or (b) Voters of eligible age can purchase additional votes (for one or more Competitors). Voters that have verified eligibility via payment method may be entitled to one (1) additional free vote every twenty-four (24) hours. Operator retains the right to provide additional means of voting (e.g. 2-for-1 votes), which may be offered to voters at any point during the Competition, at its sole discretion. “Qualifying Votes” are those placed in accordance with these Rules and the Terms of Use, which can also be found on the Website.

Jonathan Klassen

I entered the Mr Health and Fitness 2023 contest. You can see more about me in the contest bio but I really want to win this for my family. $20,000 would be life changing and I would sincerely appreciate any support I can receive. Thank you.

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