January Contest

Published :
11 Jan, 2023 11:17 PM
Voting For :
Zaeden Pitcher
Voting Ends :
Jan 30, 2023
Voting Allowed :
Voting Instructions :
You can vote free one time every 10 minutes for your contestant.


Zaeden was diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder when he was around 3 years old. His symptoms are closer to that of kids with autism. He'd be considered high functioning tho. He has been more vocal & able to communicate with us more & starting to be able to even conversate with us! He has such a cute & funny personality! He is such a smart lil boy! He LOVES books! Dr. suess is his favorite right now... Despite his challenges he has no problems with being a lil monkey. He can (& will) climb on anything & everything. The boy has no fear which brings me plenty!! He went straight to walking. Was running & climbing stair cases at 9 months old. He LOVES music! Singing while playing the drums or guitar occupy most of his time outside of his reading. He has always loved to learn new things. Majority of ppl use YouTube for entertainment purposes. Not Zaed.. YouTube was his gateway to learning. Zaedens go to was always learning videos. On repeat. He knew his ABC's & how to count to 10 before he was 3 years old. His animals, their sounds & shapes were all memorized by the age of 4. He can listen to a book being read & memorize it word for word within hours. If he wins I'd love to take him on his own lil vacation to a Dr Suess musical. & Put the rest in savings for his future. As a single mom it'd be a huge blessing to be able provide him with something like that. Please vote for Zaeden! ❤️

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