Inked Cover Girl

Published :
09 Feb, 2023 6:00 PM
Voting For :
Donna Moore
Voting Ends :
Mar 10, 2023
Voting Allowed :
Voting Instructions : This is the link for the contacts you go onto that page you scroll to the part where it says free daily vote it just wants to verify that you are a Facebook user and not a robot but it is a free daily vote

Donna Moore

Hello, I am a contestant in the Inked cover girl magazine contest. It is worth $65,000. Total! This gives the person an opportunity to win $25,000 cash and the remainder is a tattoo session and promotion. I do pet rescue and lost my home in a house fire in 2016 and that would appreciate nothing more than to be able to win that $25,000 to put a down payment on my retirement home. All the support I can get it would be reciprocated. Thank you so much for your time.

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