Dream Chopper

Published :
13 Mar, 2023 7:12 AM
Voting For :
Carrie Johnson
Voting Ends :
May 30, 2023
Voting Allowed :
Voting Instructions :
Everyone can cast one vote each day of the competition for free. You can also purchase additional votes each day at dreamchopper.com. The website is DreamChopper.com & my person website for the competition is: https://dreamchopper.com/2023/carrie-johnson . If you have any questions or need me to vote for you in your competition feel free to email me at harleyqueen1279@gmail.com

Carrie Johnson

In a world full of women that dreamed about growing up to be a princess. I had a dream to grow up and be a bad ass Biker Chic. I've lived that role my whole life because that's who I am and it's all I know. Through fate, luck, the grace of God, or the alignment of stars I have been chosen to compete in the 2023 OCC Dream Chopper competition. The winner gets to build the bike of theirs dreams with Paul Teutel Sr. I'm asking for help from everyone out there. I know this is my destiny and I need your help to win. I've loved Harley's since the 1st time I heard one. I've dedicated my life to learning about them and this is my opportunity to tell my story through the bike I'll get to build. My hope is to help all of America to know what it means to be a biker and to understand that loyalty, freedom, patriotism, and love of family is at the heart of those bikes and the bikers that ride them. Motorcycles have souls and I need your help to finally get a chance to bring my souls mate to life. VOTING STARTS IN 11 HOURS.

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