City of Denton Pet Mayor

Published :
12 May, 2023 7:32 PM
Voting For :
Voting Ends :
Jun 2, 2023
Voting Allowed :
One Time Only
Voting Instructions :
1.Sign in or register on Discuss Denton. 2.Verify your account with the verification code. 3.Go back to the voting page. 4.Click the heart for the candidate you choose (Gary obviously). The heart will fill in if done correctly.


Gary has been around Denton since 2017 but has been sprouting up more in the past few years. Starting out being a fun picture to see on the Denton Discord to promoting Pup Crawl events around town for dogs and their owners, Gary has chosen a humble life of making others feel warm and welcome.

Recently Gary has gotten a hardworking job at the Bearded Monk, providing good vibes and what we call the "dog tax", which merely involves petting this distinguished gentleman before leaving the premises. Everyone always leaves with a smile, hoping to come back to see him.

From adults and children to dogs and cats, Gary is always looking for a new friend. He has never once shied away from anyone unless they so kindly ask. He only sees good hearts and probably your food if you got some...

Vote for Gary. We promise once you see the look in his eyes you'll know he's the right choice. He's a dog for the people, by the people. Gary. Good boy. Great Mayor. Best choice.

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