Your vote request was deleted for several reasons. 1: you might of entered a non-valid email when posting your request. 2: you re-listed the same contest without going through the re-listing process Get Online Votes may...
What happens when my contest expires?
When your contest expires it will be automatically deleted from our site.
Why haven’t I received a confirmation email yet?
Confirmation emails are sent right away try checking your spam folder if its not in your inbox Please Add to your contacts so you receive mail from us.
How can I get more exposure for my vote request?
We have a new feature on the top left side and on the top where you can advertise your post and become a Featured Member and it will remain in that box for the time you specify. Click the link in that box for further...
Can I add more than one contest?
Yes, many people in our community are in more than one contest, and some even have multiple entries in the same contest. You can add each contest in its own post.
What is Get Online Votes?
Simply put, we are a social networking community built on a common need for online votes. We have a wonderful group of members who are interested in spreading the word about their contest and contest sponsor and who...
Is there a charge to list a contest request?
We charge a small fee to post on Get Online Votes this is to cover Admin costs and to combat spam. We want GOV to be a community where only serious contest entrants post and support each other.