How can I get more exposure for my vote request?

How can I get more exposure for my vote request?

We have a new feature on the top left side and on the top where you can advertise your post and become a Featured Member and it will remain in that box for the time you specify. Click the link in that box for further information and pricing options.

We also offer to re-list your entry at the top to begin rotation again for an advertising fee. See the PayPal button at the top of your individual post for details. You can also process a gift re-list. If someone you know has a request on this site, and you want to pay for it to be re-listed for them, one of the steps allows the option of including a gift message.

The difference between these two options is that a paid re-list at the top will put you back in to rotation again and you will begin to move down the page as new requests come in, while being in the Featured Members box will keep you on the top left side of the page for as long as you specify.

Please note: requests will be reviewed and processed once payment is accepted on our end. Currently only paypal is accepted.

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